You may be saying all the right things during your big interview, but your body language might be undermining your chance at a new job. Check out these tips to avoid common body language pitfalls to avoid at your next interview:

Don’t be a slouch

Sitting in slumped or slouched position is bad for your back, and it can also signal laziness or a lack of professionalism.  On the opposite extreme, sitting up too tall and straight may make you seem nervous or aggressive. Try for the middle ground by imagining a string is pulling the top of your head to the ceiling.

Calm yourself

Tapping your fingers or your feet during an interview can be distracting to the interviewer and to you.  Keep your body relaxed and steady.

Don’t avoid eye contact

Making eye contact is critical to creating a connection and showing that you’re confident and sincere. Be sure to look the interviewer directly in the eye when shaking his or her hand and while speaking. Don’t obsess over eye contact, though, or you’ll end up staring awkwardly the whole time!

Keep your arms open

Crossing your arms across your chest can signal that your hostile or closed-off.  To appear more personable during an interview, let your arms rest at your side or keep them uncrossed on the desk.

Stay engaged

Of course you want to “practice” your interview responses ahead of time. But don’t focus on memorizing responses to the extent that you’re essentially repeating a script. Not only can this make you seem insincere, but it prohibits you from truly engaging with the interviewer – listening to their questions and having a true conversation with them.

Firm up your handshake

No one likes a weak handshake – it signals a lack of confidence. Aim for a firm—not crushing—handshake with your interviewing to start things off right.